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..:: Enlightenment IX / Physics ::..


Alan Schneider


              Much has been said in the Enlightenment Series regarding the Psyche, which has been referred to as the total mind, comprised of the lower and higher minds interacting with each other to achieve consciousness.    This current essay will investigate certain additional linkages acting within the total mind that are often (and easily) overlooked, particularly from the spiritual perspective. 

            Beginning with awareness of the physical body, we seem to be involved in an omnipresent condition characterized by the Newtonian model of physics, described by his famous three laws of motion:  1) Inertia – objects tend to remain at rest, or in a consistent state of movement, until acted upon by outside forces, 2) Acceleration – objects tend to change their velocity in the same direction and with proportional intensity to outside forces, and 3) Reaction – objects will tend to generate an equal and opposite reaction to outside forces when encountered.    As an involved portion of the Newtonian “condition”, our physical senses necessarily are dependent upon it, as apparently also is the body they detect.   And the social “difference engine” of the ego has evolved just far enough to make the necessary comparisons to sustain the resultant impression of a purely physical existence, as does human perception mediated by the first three Chakras.  What, then, is the spiritual aspect of this material universe described so succinctly in mechanical terms by Newton?   

            That there is some form of physicality bounding conscious experience cannot be doubted by any reasonable person, but what is really “there” in our physical perception after the effects of acculturation and socialization have been subtracted from the equation of consciousness?    One possible answer to this question is simply that there is a quality of density present, one that seems to be correlated with the level of energy and corresponding rate of environmental vibration in the human observer’s vicinity.    Here on Earth, most vibrations are present within a fairly moderate range of activity, where on, say, Mercury, they are notably more intense, and, again say, on Saturn, notably much less intense.   It is the moderate level of vibration on Earth that makes all life possible here, including human life and the subsequent human sensory observation of local physical events.    So, we can say in general terms that the factor of density, or mass, is a primary determining feature of Newtonian physics in the directly observable universe, i.e. as observable through the largely unaided physical senses.   

            There is also another Newtonian quality more or less consistently observable through the senses – turbulence – the ceaseless movement at various different rates, intensities, and frequencies of the density just noted.    Presumably, this turbulence is the result of the initial gigaturbulence of the event which we suppose created this universe – the “Big Bang” of astrophysics, but, whatever its origin, it again is unquestionably present, as is density, and the two are evidently in constant interplay with each other everywhere.   This is the simplest description of existence of which I am aware – “chunks” of density, commonly referred to as “matter”, suspended in a “soup” of turbulence, commonly referred to as “energy”, with the whole dependent on levels of vibration as the common factor present.   

            If we next examine this presumed base phenomenon of vibration, we immediately realize that it is often not directly observable, but inferential in nature – relatively rarely do we experience something in the physical world literally “vibrating” at a rate we can detect in the senses.   Yet, enough scientific observations of physical processes and events tend to support the contention that some form of oscillation, i.e. reciprocal movement between two polar extremes, certainly appears to be universally present on Earth (and in the universe) and this is vibration in its essence.   The vibration may be of a relatively long period of repetition, as in the pulsation of the total universe as it expands following the primordial explosion of its birth until the energy of that event dissipates, and gravitational influences begin to draw the total mass of the universe back into a singularity – to emerge again in yet another explosion.  The case of the transition of the seasons throughout the year is another example of a longer period oscillation.   The vibration can also be relatively short, as in the ringing of an alarm clock, or the oscillation of a quartz watch crystal, or that of a quark, the smallest sub-subatomic particle verified by science today, but, whether long or short, it definitely seems to be there, albeit beyond unaided sensory experience in most cases.   

            The rapid advance of science over the past two hundred years has resulted in the advent of a burgeoning technology as its most evident byproduct, particularly the technology of increasingly sensitive, sophisticated detection methods and instrumentation that, when accompanied by computerized mathematical calculations, have forced us to drastically modify our assessment of the evidence of the physical senses.    We now can say that we “know”, beyond any reasonable doubt, that what we directly see and hear accounts for only a tiny portion of what is acting on our condition as sentient beings, the balance being detectable only through the use of tooling and equipment of various kinds – technology.    In the early part of the last century, the rethinking of physics by one man, Einstein, led to the revisioning of many of Newton’s apparently self-evident “laws” with the release of the theories of General and Special Relativity, both eventually to be verified by the development of sufficiently sensitive detector technology.    Possibly the most important feature of this new physics was the incorporation of the role of the observer – specifically, the observer’s movement relative to the observation made – into the observation itself, something largely overlooked by Newton.    Einstein “observed” that, since everything in the universe is in motion relative to everything else, any observation was subject to distortion if not referenced to some kind of absolute baseline, but, what was that baseline?   He postulated that the only truly consistent value in the entire universe was the speed of light in a vacuum, and made this the foundation of his system.    The now famous equation E=mc2 is a reference to this new standard, and an indication of the augmented level of mathematical verification that contributed to, among other things, the development of the atom bomb, ushering in the nuclear age, and changing the world forever.  Indeed, no one today seriously doubts the existence of atomic reality, or the particle research that has continued to thrust it forward.   

            The psychological ramifications of Relativity are staggering.    In the space of a few decades, we have completely shifted away from the comfortable cradle of Newtonian physics, with its verification of humanity at the center of the observational universe, to Einstein’s model with light at the center.   Not only are we no longer the most significant, reliable feature of observation, but our observations themselves are known to be so questionable as to be largely untrustworthy without technical evidence in their support.    Relativity represents the last gasp of the human egocentrism that placed us in the center of the universe, solar system, and even evolving history.    We were displaced by radiant energy rushing through a fundamentally empty condition, and no one today can hope to argue convincingly against this.  How very humbling to the little socialized ego within us has this been!  

            Yet, we are left with the apparent reality of our physical senses, body, and ego – the three instruments of the lower mind – as the basic tools that we must use to construct experience, and this is not going to change anytime soon.    So, we can say that there is a profound psychological dissonance present today between what we experience as real and what we know to be real – between Newtonian physics and Relativity physics.   Experientially, I reside at the center of my perception for the term of incarnation, whatever “I” might be and whatever “my perception” might be, but cognitively, I “understand” that my experience is referenced to my motion through space, and cannot be anymore than conditionally reliable.    Thus, human beings today live in a world that is fundamentally conflicted and insecure by its very nature, and it is no wonder that security has become such a paramount issue everywhere.    If I cannot even trust myself to know the truth, whom can I trust to know it?   And, in fact, as individuals and the collective human entity, we are all untrustworthy – the bitter lesson of the human condition learned in the wake of Relativity physics...  

            If we are thus not to be trusted – and our impressions of things are not to be trusted – then what is trustworthy?   Fortunately, Einstein left us some solace in this matter through his contention that the speed of light remained a constant condition amid life’s turbulence – that value is consistent and trustworthy.   And light itself exhibits a number of comforting conditions – first, it demonstrates vibration as it propagates through a given transparent or translucent medium, and the differing energy levels of visible light vibrate at different rates, accounting for color.   Second, light is everywhere apparent to the senses – five of the twelve cranial nerves mediate sight and sight-related activity.   Third, because light is omnipresent in the universe, it can be subjected to both sensory and mechanical experimentation with replicable results – one of the prime caveats of the scientific method of inquiry.    Light also possesses a consistently positive psychological valence, and is almost never experienced or referred to in a negative context.    And the quality of light in a vacuum does not deteriorate over time – the objects at unimaginably extreme distances from Earth photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope are registered with crystal clarity, undiluted by their optical trek through, in some cases, tens of thousands of light years distance.   This phenomenon is clearly worth further attention.   

            The delicacy of native visible light renders it susceptible to an interesting phenomenon – when it is closely observed (as in the case of many mechanical experiments), it acts like a particle – a photon – but when it is more casually observed, it acts like the wave previously mentioned.   A certain class of valid, replicable experiments has suggested that the photon may be merely a convenient thought construct, and it is the wave that really “exists” as the fundamental nature of light.    Now, the photon is presumed to exist largely in relation to another particle – the electron.   When radiant energy particles strike a detector, what is measured is the action of the electrons released by the collision, since these are charged particles capable of generating a response for amplification further on an electronic circuit.   There are even extremely sensitive electrometer sensors that are presumed to respond to individual electrons in their circuit.   The logical supposition is that a particle of light colliding with the detector releases a particle of electricity, along with a residual “ray” of extremely high frequency radiation (e.g. a gamma ray), that dissipates almost instantaneously.  Quantum science, however, now tells us that even the charged electron is a field phenomenon, existing only in a “cloud” of energetic probabilities regarding its location, and knowable primarily by its observable chemical and electrical action.    Thus, what we have in reality is a tiny cloud of light releasing a tiny cloud of electricity in a chemical detector environment, and no one can say with certainty how extensive, or even where (in other than relatively general terms), either cloud is.   In fact, electrical current itself can be thought of and described as an electrical wave, much like the light wave, and I prefer this representation as being more closely aligned with actual human sensory experience.    

            It would appear that we are on more stable scientific and philosophical ground per se in considering things as energy fields rather than as energized particles, with the understanding that a “particle” is essentially a very minute energy field vibrating in the universe somewhere at some electrically measurable rate.    This rate can be very minute, measurable using modern equipment in the terahertz (trillions of cycles per second) region, but still exists as a meaningful oscillation.    This understanding of the electrical nature of virtually all optical detectors is very helpful in resolving the apparent conflict in the wave/particle nature of light – what is ultimately being measured is no more reliable than the equipment used, and the minute size of the electron “field” exists at the borderline of even the best detection equipment today.   It is this field that establishes the limitations of current optical scientific observation today.   

            This having been noted, the little energy-wave-ball(s)-field(s) of visible light seem to be propagated in more extensive field expressions by radiation sources (such as the Sun, or a welding torch, or a nuclear detonation, or a light bulb) that release variable amounts of radiation.   It is interesting that the radiation so released is always consistent within the Radiant Energy Spectrum, regardless of what particular type of radiation originates from a given source – radiation is radiation, and light is light.   

            The universe presumably originated in its current cycle in an enormously high energy plasma reaction released very shortly after the Big Bang (Big Compression?) initiated – on the order of phemto-seconds (quadrillionths of a second).   This plasma was essentially a uniform radiant energy field that eventually differentiated into the current forms that we know of – galaxies, suns, planets, interstellar gas and nebulae, etc. – after “cooling” down to a mere tens of millions of degrees centigrade in temperature (!) – indeed, the indirect electrical observations of modern scientific equipment have produced much data for human consideration.   Something in the nature of the original plasma reaction must account for the consistency of the Radiant Energy Spectrum, still observable now, billions of years later, but what?    Why should anything remain consistent in a universe otherwise characterized by ceaseless change, chaos, and turbulence?   

            If the chaos of the current universe is considered intelligently, one eventually realizes that it is demonstrated by the material – the matter – present, not the energy acting on that material, and certainly not the radiant energy.    In some current theories of universal evolution, the original plasma is presumed to have cooled down sufficiently in certain regions of the vacuum of space to demonstrate the dense form already referred to here, appearing to the senses as “solid” matter, although still, in reality, a vibration of relatively low frequency and amplitudes of energy.   This matter is subject to the third consistent observable phenomenon in the universe – gravity.   The Radiant Energy Spectrum is a portion of the general Electromagnetic class of forces, and along with Gravity and the Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces, constitutes the fundamental set of four known forces at work in the universe.    If we discount the Nuclear Forces for the moment as being predicated on certain questionable tenets of outmoded atomic theory, we are left with essentially two determining forces.    Electromagnetism, like gravity, comes into distinct expression at the level of matter – only material forms have the electromagnetic structure characterized by charged particles and fields.   This then leaves us with two modified forces – gravity and radiation.    For some reason, when things cool off enough, they tend to stick to each other, and when they remain heated enough, they tend to fly apart – I give you the universe...  

            It is the interaction of the matter that seems to obey the laws of Newtonian physics, while the radiation seems to obey the “tendencies” of Relativity physics.   Paradoxically, the Newtonian interactions are ultimately chaotic, where the Relativity interactions, while often initially appearing to be chaotic, are ultimately orderly.    Apparently, there is a transitional vibration in the system (i.e. the universe) that allows the orderly to become chaotic, as light loses enough energy to become form, in most cases through collision with material.    Other forms of radiation may lose energy through other means – radioactive decay, thermal dissipation, and physical absorption, but light is modified by impact with material, in many cases producing reflected color as the result.   What, then, is the nature of collision in the universe, since this is where the theorized transition seems to occur?     

            Returning to the example of the radiation detector already noted, we have the simplest case of a scientific apparatus that is designed to use such a collision to operate.   A “wave” of radiant energy enters the detector, impinges its surface, and the result is the release of a proportional “wave” of electrical energy.   At the level of the atomic lattice of the detector, we have a special material that is known to react to the collision with the radiant energy wave by releasing electrical energy – the material absorbs the radiation and converts it into charged electrical impulses, releasing excess radiation not “useable” in the electrochemical reaction, and the electrical energy is channeled into minute circuit elements that are then “wired” into downstream circuits connected to amplifiers.   Enough radiation striking a detector will increase the energy level present at the detection point to “knock” an electron “field” out of its orbital establishing a current flow, however minute.    Once the threshold is reached, the electron quantum “field” is released, and detection eventually occurs in the form of a display transition, readable by an observer.   I wish to suggest that what is essentially occurring here is the transfer of energy vibration from the radiation wave into the atomic lattice of the detector until the energy vibration of that lattice increases enough to destabilize it and require the release of the electron “quantum field” energy vibration to reestablish energy equilibrium in the lattice.   

            I further wish to suggest that the point of energy absorption in the lattice is not in the electron orbital, but the atomic nucleus at the quark levels there or even beyond in some as yet unobserved level of interaction.   Somehow the vibrational wave associated with the radiation is translated into a vibrational wave in the lattice.   I am additionally going to suggest that vibration is the foundational phenomenon in the universe, and that the energy of one form of vibration is directly transferred into another, or deleted from another, in simple proportionate interaction at the energy wave level, all of this being traceable back to the original plasma of the Big Bang billions of years ago when the universe was absolutely consistent in that sole vibrational form.    Everything knowable is composed of “light” vibrating at various levels of energy in the balance of gravitation and radiation present in the universe today.  

            According to Relativity physics, the event associated with the Big Bang is still present in the spacetime event matrix (although utterly beyond the threshold of human sensory perception) in an extra-physical, extra-temporal region of manifestation.   The contention regarding the existence of such higher dimensions beyond human perception introduces Cosmic String Theory into our discussion here, an as-yet-scientifically-unverified theory of multiple extra dimensions of existence in which the first three observable spatial dimensions are only the beginning of  a series of eight additional ones present in the forth dimension of time.   Presumably, what we indirectly experience in the perception of the passage of time is the complex interaction of these additional dimensions, as the cosmic strings vibrate in spacetime, creating what we conceive of as reality, down to and beyond the subatomic realm of quarks, the dense forms of observable matter, and the electromagnetic spectrum of radiation and energy.   

            In such terms, human consciousness is obviously a primitive prototype of the Universal Consciousness in its vast and mysterious grandeur, although certainly one that potentially has all of the requisite perceptions present in embryonic form.   If Einstein was correct in his presumptions suggested in the Unified Field Theory, then we are all parts of an infinite continuum of expression that leave ongoing impressions in the cosmic substance that completely transcend the woefully inadequate electronic impressions of neurological memory, and these impressions form the elements of the Consciousness of a unified super-sensate field at the level of the Eleventh Cosmic String, or even beyond that boundary of expression.   I Can think of no better term for this Unified Field than the Jungian Psyche, with its generator as the Jungian Self.   Einstein once said that he wanted to know God’s thoughts – all the others were details.    It has become increasing clear to me that God’s primary “thought” is the vibration of Light in the physical universe and the simultaneous vibration of Love in the spiritual universe.   All the rest are details...


                                                                         - With Love, Alan -

                                                               (Copyright 2010, by Alan Schneider)


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